Headerbild 50 Jahre Repa Druck

Celebrating 50 years of Repa Druck

Giving back with our fundraiser

In the year 1972 Repa Druck was founded by Willi Braun. 5 decades later, we’re still here and stronger than ever. Today with more than 50 employees and a modern and constantly growing machine park we are still heavily involved in the offset business.

To celebrate our 50th anniversary this year, we have decided to do something very special; we want to give back to society and to our fellow human beings. Therefore, in this anniversary year 2022, we are supporting different projects of our choice with a donation in kind and/or money every month with our “12 months – 12 donations” campaign. In addition to the obvious benefit – the donation itself – it allows us to shine the spotlight on some outstanding projects that we believe deserve much more recognition and support than they already receive.

Previous donations

The start of our donation marathon was made in January to the Africa Project Dr. Schales e.V.; we supported the Charity with a monetary donation of 500€. The project was founded by Hans Schales, a Saarland doctor who emigrated to Zimbabwe and made a commitment to help the people there. Today, the project actively supports St. Luke’s Hospital and numerous schools.

More information about the Africa project can be found at:

Logo Afrikaprojekt

In February, we donated €500 to the Aufwind Foundation of the PSD Bank Karlsruhe-Neustadt eG. The foundation is committed to the well-being of children and young people in Germany in many ways. Aufwind supports, amoung other things; sports projects, probation services for juvenile delinquents, the Rhine-Neckar Children’s Palliative Care Team.

More information about the Aufwind Foundation can be found at:

On this occasion, we have decided in March, to support the initiative HELP 4 UKRAINE e.V. with a monetary donation of 500 € and the printing of the flyers for the campaign “Ukraine Aid” from FBO and Shipleys. The private Initiative HELP 4 UKRAINE e.V. was founded by the brothers Bogdan and Alexander Solovyanchuk. The association pursues the goal of providing the victims of the war in Ukraine with important relief supplies and donations.

Weitere Informationen gibt’s unter:

Unfortunately, the Russian war of Aggression in Ukraine still cast a dark shadow in April. Therefore, this month we made a monetary donation of 500 euros to the “Rock For Peace” benefit concert by and with “Outcast Rock & More” and the local community of Eppelborn.

All proceeds from the concert will be donated to refugees from the Ukraine and we hope to give a little courage to those who are affected by this terrible tragedy.

In the month of May, our donation project was all about children: This time, our monetary donation of 500 euros went to the Kinderschutzbund - Ortsverband Saarbrücken. The Kinderschutzbund (DKSB) campaigns for children's rights in Germany. It works to ensure that children grow up in social security, are protected from violence and learn to use the media competently.

The DKSB wants a child-friendly society in which the spiritual, mental, social and physical development of children and young people is promoted. They should be involved in all decisions, plans and measures that affect them.

More information is available at

Our donation of 500 € in June went to the HVUK - Hilfeverein zur Unterstützung Krebskranker e.V. (Association to Help Cancer Patients).

With the diagnosis of cancer, many people can no longer cope with their normal everyday life. Due to the psychological stress, they are no longer able to take care of their affairs. The association supports those affected with financial emergencies, applications for benefits or severely disabled persons' cards and many other large and small tasks that arise in this context. 

You can find more information about the association at


For the month of July, we donated 500 € to KiO - Kinderhilfe Organtransplanation.

A serious illness in children often threatens the economic existence of the parents. Visits or overnight stays near the clinic are often not covered. Additional burdens and loss of earnings can cause financial hardship for families. KiO has set up a relief fund for such cases, which are often complex and complicated. The aim is to provide unbureaucratic support to children affected by organ transplantation and their families in special situations of need.

You can find more info at

Logo KiO Kinderhilfe Organtransplantation

In August, we supported the German-Italian Cultural and Educational Institute (Deutsch-Italienisches Kultur- und Bildungsinstitut e.V.) with a donation of 500 €.

The DIBK is committed to the integration of fellow citizens with a migration background as well as immigrants. With social projects such as "Violence-Free Schools", for which celebrities such as hit parade presenter Dieter Thomas Heck, legendary presenter Manfred Sexauer or sports show legend Werner Zimmer could be won over, it focuses on education in the fight against racism and discrimination. The focus of its work is always on people, regardless of their origin, skin colour or social position.

You can find more info at


In September, the "Vereint!" foundation of PSD Bank West eG received a monetary donation of € 500.

The aim of the PSD Bank West eG foundation is to make social commitment more visible. The often voluntary work of associations and other non-profit institutions receives too little attention, despite the fact that their importance for the region is immense, especially in their diversity and totality. That is why the foundation deliberately gives social commitment a stage. Founded by the PSD Bank West eG on the occasion of its 150th anniversary, the bank is continuing its social responsibility through its corporate history and will support social commitment in the regions of Cologne, Bonn and Aachen even more strongly. Donation competitions and events specially designed for associations play a central role in this.

You can find more info at

Logo Stiftung Vereint!

The Kroschke Children's Foundation has been committed to helping children and young people with a disability or chronic illness for almost 30 years. Improving participation in life and the optimal development of all abilities through targeted support, for example with music therapy, are the main goals of the foundation's work.

The focus is also on child protection. With the Kroschke Research Prize for Child Protection in Medicine DGKiM, is the goal of the Kroschke Children's Foundation to strengthen the scientific basis of child protection work.

You can find more info at

Logo der Droschke Kinderstiftung

For the month of November, we donated 500 € to the Blieskasteler Schutzengel für Kinder e.V. 

Der Blieskasteler Schutzengel für Kinder e.V. hat sich dem Zweck verschrieben, Kindern und Jugendlichen, die an schweren und lebensbedrohenden Erkrankungen leiden sowie deren Familien bei der Bewältigung daraus resultierender Probleme durch finanzielle Unterstützung zu helfen.

Mehr Infos gibt es unter

Logo Blieskasteler Schutzengel

With Christmas right around the corner, our last donation went to the Kinderschutzbund Saarbrücken and their wish tree campaign.

How it works: In the weeks prior to christmas, the Kinderbund's wish trees are placed in multiple locations. Children in need have their wish notes hanging from the tree's leaves, waiting for someone to pick them up and donate a small amount of money to fulfill their wish.

Mehr Infos gibt es unter

Bild Wunschbaumaktion
