How we do our part
Climate protection & sustainability
Climate-neutral printing with Repa
Climate change is the greatest challenge of the 21st century. Even individual companies have to make their contribution. The use of climate-neutral print products offers companies the opportunity to become active in climate protection quickly and easily.
With climate-neutral printing, the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the printing process are calculated precisely, allowing the largest emission drivers and reduction potentials to be identified. By investing in internationally recognised climate protection projects, the unavoidable CO2 emissions can then be offset, making the print products climate neutral.
Make your contribution to climate protection - we will be happy to support you. Call us if you have any questions. For your climate-neutral print products, you choose a climate protection project from an extensive portfolio with the highest standards and different technologies.
The process becomes transparent through identification labels with an order-related and thus individual ID number: by entering this ID on www.climatepartner.com the climate neutrality of your order becomes traceable for partners, customers and employees.
Repa Druck offers climate-neutral printing in cooperation with the climate protection consultancy ClimatePartner. Further information at www.climatepartner.com.
FSC® (FSC-C007142)
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is committed to promoting environmentally friendly, socially beneficial and economically viable forest management worldwide. The independent, non-profit organisation was founded in 1993 as an outcome of the "Environment and Development" conference in Rio de Janeiro. Today, the FSC® is represented by national working groups in over 80 countries.
By purchasing FSC®-certified products, you contribute to the responsible use of global forest resources. The FSC® achieves this on the one hand by setting and auditing environmental and social standards in forest management and on the other hand by recycling materials.
You decide which paper you want to print on.
PEFC (PEFC/04-31-1199)
Wir legen Wert auf eine nachhaltige Produktion. Deswegen verwenden wir PEFC-zertifizierte Rohstoffe.
Die PEFC-Zertifizierung steht für nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung, die ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Kriterien gleichermaßen berücksichtigt. Dabei wird nicht das Produkt Holz zertifiziert, sondern das forstliche Management, inklusive des Holztransports bis an den Waldweg.
With this certification, the flow of wood in the entire production process via the certified forest stand to the wood processing company can be traced all the way to the finished product.